Friday, January 11, 2008

I'm facing a difficult decision. This Sunday is the pilot episode to Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (featuring Summer Glau of Serenity fame) and it is also PBS's remake of Persuasion, their first in a series of Jane Austen films. (this one also features a Whedon-written cast member, Anthony Head from Buffy as Anne's rediculous father)

What to do?! How do I choose?

Okay, no. I'm totally kidding myself. I know what I'll be watching:


Erin said... could join all the rest if who love the world of TiVo. DVR's rock.

Kristen said...

yeah. I just can't justify TiVo without cable, and I simply CANNOT have cable or I will never get off my couch.

Hot Chocolate said...

Awesome! Thanks for keeping me in the know. I'm with you on that one...

Gurgy said...

So how was the PBS remake?

Karalenn Hippen said...

OHHHH that was wonderful. I have goosebumps. I love those movies. I still haven't ever bought the Kiera Knightly version and now I see I better. :)