Friday, September 05, 2008

week 1 down.

I have to confess that I don't love having the kids in school.  perhaps if the twice daily walk to pick them each up was less... vertical? 

Yesterday I fell asleep against my husband, as he played his latest Xbox game. I've noticed, like I remember noticing 9 years ago (ah, the joys of IBS) that when I am sick or in pain it is simply a matter of having physical contact with him to render me nearly completely better. 

I actually read a study several months ago that said on average, simply holding her husband's hand can reduce a woman's stress by 25%.   One night last week, I was nauseous and crampy and tossing in bed while he slept next to me. He rolled over, and ended up in contact with nearly all of my left side. The effect was sudden, and quite surprising. I could feel the tension leave my neck and back, and my stomach stopped clenching.  I was able to fall asleep in a few minutes. 

Too bad I can't market him, I'd be a millionaire.  $75 for "Essence of Craig", anyone?  


Nanette said...

Maybe we should make a DH doll for you and spray it with his deodorant or cologne or after shave or soap or whatever smells DH-like (maybe just rub it on his clothes or something) so you can feel great while he's at work!

Ellsworth said...

I'm sorry that your stomach has been acting up again!!! Nothing is worse than stomach pain!

Gurgy said...

Sorry to hear you not feeling up to par sweetie. But glad to hear that DH makes you feel so much better lol.

Robin said...

can I just tell you I love you! (in a friend sort of way) and that you need to write more so that I can read it and chuckle! I love your rantings my dear...and I'm glad that Craig is your soothe sayer (well, toucher in this instance)...