Friday, October 29, 2010

This week:

Sewed 2 baptismal dresses, and shipped them to Montana.
Changed 2 pair ladies slacks from the thrift store into breeches for my kids.
Altered a ladies jacket into a vest.
Sewed leather straps onto 2 pair of goggles, and made a holster for a nerf gun.
Altered a skirt to fit over my bustle.
Built a bustle.
Sewed a collar and bows onto a Lucy from Peanuts costume.
Sewed dozens of gears and buttons onto vests and jackets.
Constructed a miniature top hat.
Never went to bed before 1 a.m.
Made pumpkin cheesecake.

That last item on the list made all the other items no big deal.

I'll post pictures of it all after the trick-or-treating at DreamWorks tomorrow. We all got to go see the screening of MegaMind today and it was good. Very funny, and the boys loved it. There was some romance though, which disgusted Fletcher.

Right now, it's 12:30 in the morning and my 1 year old is wide awake (having happed from 7-10 pm, nice) and watching Bob the Builder.



Gurgy said...

LOL Just reading that wore me out!

Maxine Parrish said...

I think the day you guys just buy pre-made Halloween costumes will probably be the day Hell freezes over. That being said, you guys looked AWESOME today!

hannah said...

can we build it, yes we can!

actually a very appropriate theme song for your week.