Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

happy day to all of my mommy friends and loved ones. what a good job you all do. every day i am inspired by all of the fantastic women in my life. you guys rock.

thanks, Mom, for being my mom.

Thanks for being brave enough to keep me, even though you were on your own.
Thanks for making the decision to raise me in the church even though you didn't have a lot of support.
Thanks for being really easy to talk to, and for being a fantastic friend.
Thanks for showing me how to be creative, and for letting me watch you work for hours and hours so I could learn those skills.
Thanks for treating me, as a kid, like I was someone worth having an adult conversation with.
Thanks for never being horrified, even when I made a horrible decision.
Thanks for being an awesome grandma to my kids. They sure do love you.

I love you, too.


Nanette said...


Gurgy said...


Erin said...

Happy Mom's Day sweetie, I love you. Holy crap, we're moms. Awesome eh?

Kristen said...

Happy Mothers Day!

Jeanne said...

Happy Mother's Day!!