Thursday, September 15, 2011

I don't think it's cravings, I think it's just that it's September and I love Autumn (I really insist that we change the rules of grammar so that the seasons get capitalized. Who's with me?!) so much - I cannot seem to think about ANYTHING ELSE right now...

And I keep reading blogs where people are so close to farms and orchards
( ; ) and I'm heinously jealous because our Pick Your Own farms here are a little bit pathetic and I haven't been blackberry picking since I left my hometown in 1997!

Anyway, Apple Pie.


hannah said...

ok. so, yes, this is a craving Miss "all-i-want-is-pizza," "all-i-want-is-Olive-Garden." now its "all-i-want-is-pie." :)

Kristen said...

hush, you.

Nanette said...

Well, you gotta give the babe what she wants! (I mean the baby of course) ;)

Catherine said...

I Wish, WISH, WWWIIIIISSSSH I could be there and make an apple pie for you RIGHT NOW!!!!

Are you feeling up to traveling out here to visit us anytime soon?

Erin said...

I ALWAYS capitalize the seasons....amen, sista.