the other day we came across an "Expecto Patronum" bumper sticker, which was fun. I think my favorite licence plate lately was INEED2P (I'm not kidding. It was great). And then two days ago we saw "Honk if you're Stupid". Which I suppose is a great deterrent for those with road rage.
So we're at Trader Joes yesterday, trying to find a place to park which is the newest olympic sport, and some guy pulling out of a space honks at some other guy pulling out of a space and my 6 year old, whose window is down....
"Honk if you're stupid!"
Hahahahaha...I love that!! Out of the mouths of babes, right?
ROFL good one! During my 100 mile a day commute, I see alot of vanity plates that I love to try and figure out, and some great bumper "snickers". We also got 2-3 inches of snow on Friday, yes in Alabama...wait don't I live in the "sunny" south??
My favorite line of his was when we went to church with you and the speaker said, "And I know nobody is perfect. . ." Then Fletch (who none of us thought was paying attention) said, "I'm perfect!"
Cute kid.
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